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Get Involved 

We would like to ask you to join us in these efforts to save the African Penguin by making at least one of these pledges. 

Join the Waddle! 

  • Commit to a 3-year SAFE Partnership 

  • Offer in-kind assistance to African Penguin SAFE 

    • Join education sub-committee, Penguin Promises/Heroes, veterinary assistance for medical monitoring, fundraising, marketing/communications

  • Encourage your education teams to participate in World Penguin Day - April 25, 2022 and African Penguin Awareness Day - October 8, 2022

  • Incorporate information about our SAFE projects in your public materials. 

  • Highlight the plight of penguins in your public materials; include conservation actions

  • Contact Gayle Sirpenski, Program Secretary, Mystic Aquarium, for partnership information

Reduce Use of Plastics 


Human use and disposal of plastic products is a huge danger to ocean health and wildlife. When discarded plastic ends up in the ocean, plastic kills marine life and chokes seabirds. Since plastic takes decades to break down, the problem is not going away. Therefore, all of us need to cut plastic waste. That effort begins with individuals making plastic free choices, like reducing our use of plastic drinking straws when eating out and reusing shopping bags that we bring with us to the store.

Request Sustainable Seafood 

Overfishing by humans threatens the wild fish populations and the health of our ocean. In order to maintain enough wild fish to sustain seabirds like the African Penguins, we need to change our fishing and consumption habits. 

Sustainable seafood is either caught or farmed in ways that consider the long-term vitality of the species itself as well as the well-being of the oceans.  The changes to the demand and supply of seafood impacts ocean species, ocean ecosystems, and marine food webs – including African Penguins.

Request sustainable seafood that is fished or farmed in ocean-friendly ways. 


Participate in Local Beach Clean-Ups 

  • Facebook

Share messages about African Penguins and other penguin species on social media to help raise awareness

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with African Penguin SAFE. 


AZA facilities have joined forces to develop various projects, from improving disaster response protocols for oil spills to constructing artificial nests in order to address population declines caused by overfishing, habitat degradation, and oil spills. 

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